Miss Wattle Cow Family

Miss Wattle WGS G59 is the matron of our herd. Her pedigree is packed with royal Speckle Park blood; Notta Pho-Finish JMG 54P, Kara KEP 4K, Lacerta GGG 68L and John Wayne CWC 50S. She is represented in several leading herds in Australia; Wattle Grove, Kamarah, Wytara Valley and Monivae Pastoral Company to name a few. She has reproduced prolifically with a range of sires; Codiak Eagle GNK 46Y, Zazu CNZ 2Z, Kidman Cove MAU K247, Pagoda MPC P236, Royal Flesh SIX 101Y, Gottcha WGS L216 and Pinwheel C5R P8. She is a true curve bender in the breed with moderate birth weight, short gestation length and eight production traits in the top 10% of the breed. Mature weight, retail beef yield and milk in the top 1% of the breed. Miss Wattle truly is Speckle Park royalty.

EBV Percentiles
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